National Player Fee Reimbursement Form

From AYSO Wiki

National Player Fee (NPF)

The AYSO National Player Fee is non-refundable and a non-transferable member fee paid once annually.

Membership in AYSO is required for each Membership Year (from 8/1 – 7/31) before a player may participate in any AYSO program or event.

This fee entitles the member to all benefits for that membership year, including:

  • Official Player ID Card (printable from the association platform)
  • Newsletters
  • Soccer Accident Insurance

The AYSO office will only reimburse the fee to a Region:

  • if a player was entered twice, and we have a duplicate payment or
  • if the Region was unable to fulfill a team placement for the player due to lack of players or team coach.

The AYSO Office will not refund a parent directly.

Refunds of the National Player Fee, are at the discretion of the region. If the Region decides to refund the NPF, please write the parent a check and then submit a reimbursement request to the AYSO Office. For all reimbursement requests including circumstantial reimbursement requests, please use the provided form below, and submit to the office for review and approval.

The NPF Reimbursement Form must be completed and submitted to

If you have any questions or concerns please email

Reimbursement Form

NPF Reimbursement Form (Excel doc): Download here. It is recommended to use the Excel version when there are greater than 10 players.

NPF Reimbursement Form (PDF doc): Download here

Google Sheets Instructions

To use the Excel document version without Excel on your computer, download the form and follow the below steps to use google sheets.

1. Open your web browser.

2. Go to Google Sheets or follow this link

3. Click on the plus sign (“Start a new spreadsheet”).

4. Tap “File.”

5. Tap “Open.”

6. Tap “Upload” to access the file from your computer that you just downloaded.

Parents Requesting Refunds

If you are a parent and are inquiring regarding a refund for the National Player Fee, please contact your Region directly. Refunds for the National Player Fee will be given at the discretion of the Region.

If you have a player that was paid for twice then please contact your local region directly to start the refund process.