Fill Out an Incident Report

From AYSO Wiki

The purpose of the AYSO Incident Report Form is to capture all pertinent facts and contact information, while the information is readily available whenever there is a serious incident involving AYSO participants, activities, facilities, or property.

A copy of each Incident Report must be signed by the Regional Commissioner or Safety Director and sent to the AYSO National Office via email:

The Regional Safety Director is responsible for educating regional staff, board members, coaches, referees, and other volunteers about the importance of completing the AYSO Incident Report Forms. The Regional Safety Director is also responsible for distributing, collecting, and storing the forms; and for reporting incidents to the AYSO National Office.

The Regional Safety Director should supply coaches with several copies of the form at the beginning of the season.

Incident Report Forms should be completed by any coach, referee, or regional staff member witnessing any serious incident involving, but not limited to:

  • Injuries
  • Illnesses
  • Threats of bodily harm
  • Fighting whether or not a serious injury occurs
  • Property damage
  • Hospitalization of a participant
  • Law enforcement summoned
  • Service or notification of a pending lawsuit

Regional staff, coaches, and referees should be instructed to submit Incident Report Forms to the Regional Safety Director.

Download-icon-green.svg   Download Incident Report Form

Soccer Accident Insurance

When the Regional Commissioner or Safety Director receives an incident report pertaining to a physical injury, please contact the guardian of the player or the individual themselves and provide the claim form, or let them know where to find the Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI) information and claim form.