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Term Definition
AALC Area Adult League Coordinator
AALR Area Adult League Registrar
AALT Area Adult League Treasurer
AAP Area Authorized Purchaser
AARA Area Area Referee Admin
AAUD Area Auditor
ACA Area Coach Admin
ACTR Area Coach Trainer
ACVPA Area Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate
AD Area Director
ADAST Asst Area Director
ADSEC Area Secretary
Adult Participants that are 18 or older
ADVL Area Developer
Affiliate A current AYSO term to identify programs that are not run in standard fashion. These providers may or may not have an Executive Member.
AINST Area Instructor
ADMIN ID Administrator ID = New AYSO ID assigned by Association Platform, aka Alt Admin ID
AMA Area Management Admin
AMAD Area Marketing Admin
ARA Area Referee Admin
ARDA Area Referee Director of Assessment
ARDI Area Referee Director of Instruction
ARGC Area Regional Coordinator
ASAFD Area Safety Director
ASTF Area Staff
ASTR Asst Section Treasurer
ATR Area Treasurer
AVIPD Area VIP Director
AWEB Area Webmaster
AYSOID Unique number in E3 assigned to registrant. Ideally used with username as identifier of member in E3
AYSOU Learning management system - accord platform. All certification history for 2016-Current is housed here, prior to 2016 is in E2. Data was imported, no testing done for validity of transfer.
BGC Background Check
BSB Now Sports Connect - League Management Software used by Regions
Charter An AYSO National Board of Directors (NBOD) approved and chartered Soccer Provider (i.e., Region). These providers are led by an Executive Member and are entitled to a vote.
CVPA Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate - GENERIC? ALL INCLUSIVE (REGION/AREA/SECTION)
DOC Director of Coaching - United Program Director, paid position through Services
E2 upgraded version of eAYSO
E3 newer version of E2, upgraded to integrate with Sports Connect aka Blue Sombrero
eAYSO Original custom registration system. Upgrades created E2 version, still used for Regional Board management as E3 does not have the functionality necessary
EM Executive Member - voting member at NAGM includes:RC, AD, SD, RA
FDLE Florida Department of Law Enforcement - additional background check requirements for FL Volunteers
FIFA Fédération Internationale de Football Association ( French for International Federation of Association Football)
FYE Fiscal Year End - Fiscal Year is July 1 - June 30
Gaming Circuit An association that is responsible for the scheduling of games between soccer teams. Teams may be in one or more Soccer Providers. Governing body for rules for those games which the association schedules.
Gender Self-selected by particpant/guardian and not determined by sex.
Geo-Spatial The area in which a provider holds activities or where a participant lives or participates. Geographical reach of the provider or participant.
Guardian Person over the age of 18 that is legally responsible for a youth participant
LGMS League Management Software
MDFR Monthly Deposit Report Form
Membership Year (MY) A timeframe in which AYSO membership is valid and other playing circuit rules may be defined. Team formation and membership may also be controlled by this timeframe.
MY Membership Year - August 1 to July 31 (does not correlate to AYSO Fiscal Year)
NAP National Accounting Program
NBOD National Board of Directors
NGB National Governing Body (USSF)
NPF National Player Fee
Participant Person who registers as a player or volunteer
PMA Printing Management Associates - Digital warehouse of graphic assests managed by AYSO Office for use by regions. Accessed through
Program A set of activities that people can enroll in
Program Types Management, Coaching, Referee
Provider An Organization that provides a community with activities that people can participate in
RA Referee Admin - includes SRA, ARA, RRA
RACA Regional Asst Coach Admin
RALC Regional Adult League Coordinator
RALR Regional Adult League Registrar
RALTR Regional Adult League Treasurer
RAP Regional Authorized Purchaser
RARA Regional Asst Ref Admin
RC Regional Commissioner
RCAST Asst Regional Commissioner
RCAST Regional Coach Admin
RCLBA Regional Club Administrator
RCVPA Regional Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate
RDA Regional Dir of Assessment
RDI Regional Dir of Instruction
RDOC Regional Dirctor of Coaching
Region Type of Soccer Provider
RGATR Regional Assistant Treasurer
RGAUD Regional Auditor
RGCDE Regional computer data entry
RGCRD Regional Coordinator
RGCTR Regional Coach Trainer
RGDVL Regional Developer
RGRG Regional registrar
RGRST Regional Board Member
RGSAF Regional Safety Director
RGSEC Regional Secretary
RGTBC Regional Team Balance Coordinator
RGTR Regional Treasurer
RGVIP Regional VIP Coordinator
RGWEB Regional Webmaster
RINST Regional Instructor
RMA Regional Marketing Administrator
RMC Regional Maintenance Crew
RMS Registration Management System
RRA Regional Referee Admin
RTDM Regional Trusted Data Manager
Safe Haven Department at AYSO that manages volunteers and board members including background check process, ajudication, risk management, claim and lawsuit processing
SALC Section Adult League Coordinator
SALR Section Adult League Registrar
SALT Section Adult League Treasurer
SAP Section Authorized Purchaser
SAR The divisions of the Organization. Section/Area/Region are nominclated in documents - Sections are numeric, Areas are alpha, Regions are numeric
SARA Section Asst. Referee Admin
SAUDT Section Auditor
SBDL Board Liason
SCA Section Coach Admin
SCRC Section Conference Registration Coordinator
SCT Section Coach Trainer
SCVC Section Conference Volunteer Coordinator
SCVPA Section Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate
SD Section Director
SDA Section Director of Assessment
SDAST Asst Section Director
SDI Section Director of Instruction
SDVL Section Developer
SEADM Section eAYSO Administrator
SEDUA Section Education Admin
Services AYSO Services Corp, separate legal entity to pay trainers, DOC's, and referees
SINST Section Instrucotr
SMA Section Management Administrator
SMAD Section Marketing Admin
SME Subject Matter Expert Uniform provider
SRA Section Referee Admin
SRGCD Section Regional Coordinator
SSAFD Section Safety Director
SSEC Section Secretary
SSO Single Sign On - home grown version using API's managed by Ron to create access to other systems once the initial username and password is created
SSTF Section Staff
STDIR Section Tournament Director
STR Section Treasurer
STVIP Section VIP Coordinator
SWEB Section Webmaster
Try Out
U05RDC U05 Division Commissioner
U06RDC U06 Division Commissioner
U08RDC U08 Division Commissioner
U10RDC U10 Division Commissioner
U12RDC U12 Division Commissioner
U14RDC U14 Division Commissioner
U16RDC U16 Division Commissioner
U19RDC U19 Division Commissioner
UEFA Union of European Football Associations
USSF United States Soccer Federation
VMP Volunteer Management Program - Launched in 2019, collects $25/volunteer through background check platform (Sterling). $8 is passed to AYSO to cover insurance costs.
VV Verified Volunteer
Youth Participants that are under the age of 18